We've all been there, you placed your wig on perfectly and all is well until that over-zealous relative seems to think that the ritual greeting of a hug and a kiss needs to involve yanking on your hair somehow and there you have it...a trip to the ladies room required to adjust your wig.
You could just add a few more bobby pins, but Bobbi Boss has come up with a novelty idea: the weave-a-wig. Well some of you wiggies might scoff and say that you've been weaving on your wig for ages, what's so different? The weaving mesh. That's what is different.
Most wigs weren't made to be weaved in so the edges are not designed to be sewn, Bobbi Boss new patented weave-a-wig, solves that issue. In 15 mins you can have all the benefits of a weave in a wig. There is even an optional part. Check out this video to see how to fit a weave a wig.
Available in premium blend and synthetic hair.
Why don't you try one today?