I cried all day and then for several days after that...
It was supposed to be a quick shower and shampoo that ended up being one of my worst nightmares...
Hair - for a woman, hair is an intrinsic part of her identity. Her feeling of self-worth and confidence. When your hair is great, you can feel on top of the world. It's a known fact, so much so there is a hair brand called GHD!
Back to that dark day...
Undid my braids, stepped into the shower...nothing seemed untoward. Shampooed and then applied the conditioner and gently started to comb out my curls as I had done a million times before. But this time was to be different. My hair had locked. Don't ask me how... I do not know. What I know is that my hair was coming out in huge clumps. No matter how delicately I tried to detangle, to smooth out the curls, they just kept falling and falling.
I stepped out of the shower over 1 hour later to observe the wet pile of soapy hair left in the tub. It was like carnage. A deep sickening feeling formed in my stomach. I wept.

For most of us our hair will grow back...in time. For some of us, hair loss cannot be reversed. But for all of us the process of loss is a trauma that dents your confidence and causes emotional pain.
I love wigs, but I love my hair more!
December 25, 2018
My hair was falling out a lot. I use viviscal extra strength and it stops shedding when I shower. It’s expensive but as I don’t visit hairdressers I think it’s worth it. Some times it’s half price on Holland and Barrett .
January 11, 2019
I too have been there, having had alopecia areata, it was devastating. I had two more less severe bouts of this autoimmune condition, but since then my hair growth was stunted for years. I tried a range naturopathic methods to restore my hair growth, none worked. However I have recently found, as a pleasant side effect, HRT to quickly restore my hair growth back to normal and it has reduced shedding.
Mercy Maseko
March 19, 2020
I really need help I lost my hairline and it’s very hard to have my own hair especially in summer time. I really need something effective to get back my confidence so that I can only wear wigs for protective purposes .Please help me out.